comfy pita breads

Viikonlopun suosikkiruoka on hieman arkiruuasta poikkeavaa, täyttävää naposteltavaa. Niimpä tein täytettyjä pitaleipiä. 
Täytteenä lihapullia, halloumijuustoa, salaattia, hummusta ja sour cream, nam! 

The perfect weekend food is slightly different from what you would indulge in during the week days. Therefore I made filled pita breads with meatballs, halloumi cheese, lettuce, hummus and sour cream. If filled pita breads alone don't fill you, you can always include some potato wedges or extra salad on the side. 

2 kommenttia:

  1. you gave me a great idea for my dinner tomorrow ;)

    xx Vivi

  2. hihi thats great! pita breads are so nice, what will your filling be?


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